Thursday, April 9, 2015




Larry Grecu

Baker, Florida

April 9, 2015

This morning I had a dream in which the Lord spoke to me and said, "I will not be outdone by the devil!" The words were very forceful, and I knew that God meant business. He continued by telling me that He was going to answer the abominations that the devil is using through homosexuality with Godly, true, pure relationships between men and women, but especially through men. The Lord reminded me that the homosexuals have used Holy Scriptures to pervert the truth of what it means for men to be in Godly relationships with each other. But, those days are over! For God says again, "I will not be outdone by the devil."

Soon, there will be coming visible manifestations of what it means for men to be in deep, Godly relationships with each other. The pictures perverted by satan in the homosexual community will be crushed by what God is getting ready to manifest. I am speaking specifically of the Biblical relationships given like those of David and Jonathan, Jesus and John the apostle, and Paul and Timothy. The manifestation of these relationships will be so powerful that many men who are trapped in homosexuality will leave the bondages they are in to find the reality of true, Godly love in Christ! They will be provoked to jealousy because God will not be outdone by the devil!

The Lord spoke to me that one of the places where this will become particularly visible will be in the military. Our leadership in our own country has been used by satan himself to weaken our military by introducing homosexuality into the various branches of service, but the Lord says, "I will not be outdone by the devil!" There is coming an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our military that is going to produce a visible manifestation of the Godly, pure, and true love-relationships between men. This will not be man-produced, but God-produced - produced by the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us by God. In other words, it is going to be an inside job! God will not be outdone by the devil!

There will be nothing anyone can do to stop this outpouring of God's Spirit, for it will be God's answer to the flood of iniquity that is sweeping our country. It will not require words, although words may be spoken. It will simply be the manifestation of God's power over satan. Who do you think is greater? I will answer. My God is greater! He will not be outdone by the devil! I have never felt this strongly about a word from the Lord than at this time. Something is coming in the way of an outpouring of God's love like nothing we have ever seen before. God has been saving the best for last, and He has weapons in His arsenal that he has kept for such a time as this! The greatest of these is Love!

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